Saturday, February 24, 2018

Current Statistics on Death Penalty in Thailand

Male Female Total % of women prisoners
286945 43829 330774 13%
6th highest in world after US, China, Brazil, Russia, India all having populations several times greater than Thailand. The number of women prisoners, relative to the population, is highest in the world.
1. Statistics of total prison population in 2018

Gender On drug charge General crime On security charges Total
Male 192 219 3 414
Female 79 9 0 88
or 17.5%
Total 271 228 3 502
2. Statistics of prisoners sentenced to death in 2018

Year 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Total 857 708 759 649 706 609 437 454 482 502
Drug related 390 339 353 308 314 252 183 213 215 271
3. Variation in death sentences over ten year period

Department of Corrections Department, 1st February 2018